Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science

Impact Factor: 0.541 | International Scientific Indexing(ISI) calculate based on International Citation Report(ICR)

Structural Analysis of Front-End Cross Bar of a TATA407 Chassis Frame

A. Benjamin Asirdason and B. Stalin


The automotive industries are advancing various systems of a vehicle with innovative technologies. It is more essential to improve the vehicle performance at low manufacturing cost. Reduction of weight of various parts of a vehicle can improve the performance and efficiency of the automobile. The composite materials provide a good strength-to-weight ratio, which could be replaced for the conventional materials. This paper deals with the structural analysis of a frontend cross bar which is replaced with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer composite material. The front-end cross bar of a TATA407 vehicle frame is modelled using the CREO 2.0 modelling software and analysed through Ansys Workbench 14.5. the stress distribution and deflection results of the convetional steel and CFRP cross bars were compared. The strength-to-weight ratio has improved when CFRP is used.

Keywords: Performance, Efficiency, Conventional, CFRP, TATA 407, Cross Bar, CREO, Ansys, Stres, Deflection.

Volume: 6 | Issue: 4

Pages: 120-122

Issue Date: October , 2016

DOI: 10.9756/BIJIEMS.7540

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